Monday 26 December 2011

Example Of Tips From

More Skin Basics
White cotton gloves and socks paired with some heavy moisturizer or petroleum jelly will work wonders for your hands and feet. Just slather on the lotion at bedtime, cover up with the gloves or socks and hit the sheets.
Self tanners are the ONLY safe way to get that sun kissed look. Just keep in mind that having a "tan" alone will not protect your skin from sun damage - applying sunscreen is still a must to prevent damage..
For even color when using a self tanning product, remember to exfoliate before application - this helps to prevent the dead skin cells in dry areas (like knees, elbows and heels) from absorbing too much color, leaving you patchy.
Chapped lips and hands are a big winter problem for many of us - when the temperatures drop you may need to moisturize more frequently. Using lip balm with sunscreen and keeping hands moisturized and protected from the cold with gloves can help prevent painful cracking.
 And, even in the middle of winter, sunscreen is a must!

Hair Removal Tips
No matter how often you shave, your hair will not grow in faster or thicker.
When using a depilatory, remember to do a test spot to be sure you won't have a reaction. Apply a small amount to the intended area and leave it on for the recommended time. Even if you've used the same brand for years there's always the chance of developing a problem, so it's a good idea to not skip this step.
Even if it doesn't seem to have gotten rid of all of your hair, don't exceed the recommended time for hair removal creams and lotions - you could end up with major irritation. And it's best not to repeat treatments right on top of each other for the same reason. I know it's frustrating to go through all of the trouble (and smell) only to be left with spotty areas, but this stuff is pretty strong. If you can't wait a day or so (the product should tell you the exact timing) to retry, try plucking the strays.

Perfume Tips
The scent you love so much on someone else may smell different when you wear it. Be sure to test it on yourself before making the big investment.
Don't rub your wrists together after applying your perfume - it can alter the scent.
Perfume can be drying to your hair and spot your clothes, so its best to stick to skin when you spritz.
Many of us go a little crazy with the perfume at times. If you smell so strongly that it's actually bothering you, or you notice everyone wrinkling their noses or sneezing when you pass by, you may have overdone it a bit. Dabbing at the overly doused areas with rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball or pad can help to diffuse the scent.

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Hope you enjoy!

Lots of love

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