Monday 26 December 2011

Hand In Hand Soap :)

To the naked eye, this soap looks like something any average person would buy. Its cute and smells great but little do we know, this one little bar of soap saves lives!

Hand in Hand Soap was created by a team of dedicated humans that believe that business can also have a possitive effect on the world and not just be to make money.

Here is a quote from the Hand In Hand Soap Website:
While the primary mission of Hand in Hand is saving lives, they immediately realized the environmental responsibility that goes along with creating and selling soap. "Understanding our environmental impact, we set out from day one to create a soap that was as eco-friendly as possible. We wanted to be proud of our soap and develop a product that was made with sustainable resources, and harvested ethically" Bill said. As such, Hand in Hand Soap is certified by both the Natural Products Association and Fair Trade USA. "To have a product that is truly eco-friendly, means more than just having natural ingredients. We have found that many natural soaps use ingredients that ultimately come from intentionally cleared rainforests, which was something that we wanted no part in. Every ingredient in our soap is not only natural, but it is harvested and grown in an environmentally friendly way."
All Hand in Hand soap is shipped using eco-friendly packaging, comes with a free carbon offset, and a portion of all proceeds is used to save 50 square feet of rainforest for every bar sold.
Bill & Courtney


For every bar of soap sold, one bar is donated to third world countries! Saving children and adults by a horrific death by disease.

This cause and campaign is something everyone should get behind, as we CAN afford it, and it's something that us as humans can easily get behind!

Please think about getting behind this.

Lots of Love

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