Monday 26 December 2011

Expensive Or Cheap?

Eyeshadow: Expensive!!
Eyeshadow is something I find as the essential in my makeup bag! Except I do not settle for cheap, but honestly its more about whether you have the time to apply 3times a day. A cheap eyeshadow generally wont last the full day, but brands like MAC and Dior last much much longer and don't irritate the eye if you accidently get dust in your eye upon application. They are also made to work much better with primers and are for all skin types generally. So i would definately say, Expensive!!

Eyeliner: Cheap
Honestly the best eyeliner is one that I pick up from Priceline for no more than 4dollars. It is called Savvy by DB and it is such a smooth and filling eyeliner and I ALWAYS get a traight line! plus it doesn't crumble or stain your skin which is a bonus!!!

Cleansers: Cheap
My favourite brand for things to clean my skin is actually ProActiv!! it works so well and is actually quite affordable. Considering most people buy the cheap stuff every month and  end up spending $80 over 3 months, proactiv is only around $60 for the 3 months and it works better! People I know that don't use it, just dont get results. There will be a lot of other brands that say Benzoil Peroxide isn't good for the skin, but it actually is! and it is the most common ingredient in ProActiv!!!

Moisturisers: Cheap
All moisturisers do exactly the same thing so there is no need to go expensive!! Plus if you get the ProActiv system that I mentioned above, you will recieve a moisturiser in it anyways ahah!!

Foundation: Expensive
So well.. I would have to say expensive! They last longer on the skin, smell better and go on smoother. I recently tried Chanel makeup (although I can't afford it) and I love it! it stayed on all day after my visit to the chemist and I got complimented by my boyfriend for having a good smelling face! aha! I just love it!

Concealer: Expensive
Definately expensive on this one, for the exact same reasons as Foundation. You need something that will work as well as your foundation, because if you don't, you wont be able to hide any blemishes! trust me...

Hair Brushes: Expensive
You need something that isn't going to grip your hair or damage it, that is why I say go for something expensive as the glide smoother through your hair! You will notice a big difference after the switch. I did...

Blow Dryers: Expensive
Cheap hairdryers are simply made to dry your hair, its as simple as that.. But expensive ones are designed to dry your hair, but not damage it at the same time! an expensive one is a MUST! After I switched to a GHD I noticed my hair wasnt breaking and I got better heat options. The hair pieces that came with the dryer were amazing and dryed my curls much much better. Now I even wear my hair curly on occasions!

Makeup Brushes: Expensive

As an inspiring Beautician, I have learn a lot about makeup brushes from my daily Makeup surf on the net! Cheap brushes just aren't capable of doing what needs to be done, and do not last! My favourite set of brushes are WaspHair makeup brushes. You can buy them online at : WaspHair

Shampoos & Conditioner: Cheap
Shampoo and condition does come very cheap these days. Personally I use Head And Shoulders as I get a great silky smooth finish as well as the care for my scalp. Google it if you want to know more!

Lipstick & Lipgloss: Cheap
The best Lipstick and Lipgloss I have ever used in my life is Avon, but that is my personal opinion. You really dont need to go expensive anymore as even the cheap brands are catching onto the new technology and colours. The application and wear is just the same as expensive brands. Just stay above $10 though.

Mascara: Cheap
I recently brought Rimmel Mascara for no more than $20 and it works amazing! There is no need to splurge$60 or $70 on a mascara... They all work relitively the same..

Eyelash Curlers: Cheap
Most Mascaras These days have the technology to curl as well, In a few years there will simply be no need for eyelash curlers because Mascara technology is advancing very quickly! So maybe just dont buy any? but it's your choice

Tweezers: Expensive
With Tweezers you need to stay in the line of expensive as the cheapo one's from the supermarket just simply dont have the grab that the ones that are around $50 do. But don't go crazy and spend more than $75 as that is WAAYYY too much! Plus you will also find that most expensive brands will offer to shapen them once they get blunt... For free too! Bonus! aha

Blush, Bronzers & Powders: Cheap
There is no need to go expensive unless there is a particular one you want! most are cheaper that $20 and you can pick up a gorgeous bronser, blush and powder collection from Priceline by Models Prefer! Get on it!

Well I think that is all, and I hope you luuurvee the advice ;)

Lots of love

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